





Spontaneous Exposures
Awards & Articles

Award winner in the 1999 M.I.L.K. competition

Article from the April 17, 2000 Gainesville Sun

"Miracle of Life" Article from "Parents Today"

Article from August, 2000 issue of Gainesville Today magazine

Call Carol Dupree - Archer, Florida - 352-495-2057


Carol was an award winner in the Love category

"In 1999, M.I.L.K. created a landmark in the history of photography -- a global photographic competition designed to find unique and geographically diverse images on the themes of Friendship, Family and Love. It was not only the richest in photographic history, but also one of the most significant, drawing participation from 17,000 professional and amateur photographers in 164 countries. In total over 40,000 images were received by M.I.L.K."

Click to visit M.I.L.K.


Gainesville Sun
April 17, 2000

Parents Today - September 1999

"The Miracle of Life captured forever in Spontaneous Exposures of black and white, by childbirth photographer Carol Dupree.

Photographs include moments before, during and after childbirth, as well as moments of joy, fathers first look, in your arms, measurements and nursing. Naturally your special requests are honored; discretion and privacy are never compromised.

Carol begins by providing her portfolio in an informal setting, usually at the parents-to-be home. Discussion is then directed toward type of pictures desired, as well as dates, and location of birthplace. She is on call 24 hours a day, so as soon as labor is determined, one call and that's all. Mrs. Dupree will then meet the family and wait with them until the Magic moment.

Don't rely on your memory of the greatest human miracle. Your family will thank you and one day, your child will thank you."

Call Carol to schedule your Spontaneous Exposures at 352-495-2057


Gainesville Today magazine - August, 2000
